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Israel is the spiritual and cultural home for the Jewish people worldwide, and the William Davidson Foundation is committed to promoting Israel’s security, prosperity, and vibrancy as a Jewish and democratic state with meaningful ties to the diaspora. 

A Secure Israel

The Davidson and Wetsman families have been engaged with the dream and concept of the modern State of Israel since well before 1948; the strong belief that Jews have the right to self-determination in our ancestral homeland is central to the William Davidson Foundation.  In a dangerous region with many autocrats and few democracies, Israel’s safety and security are of utmost importance, and we spread knowledge and understanding of Israel among policymakers and opinion leaders through experiential learning and thoughtful policy analysis.

A Prosperous Israel

The “Start-Up Nation” of Israel is a growing driver and source for global technology and innovation.  We are supporting programs and platforms that connect Israel’s thriving network of entrepreneurs to other countries in the region and to international investors and businesses.  At the same time, we are partnering with grantees and others to ensure that the country continues to cultivate the scientific skills, knowledge, and talents of its population, especially the youngest generation of Israelis.

A Vibrant Israel

Like other countries and cities, the vibrancy of Israel is tied to the strength and quality of its communal spaces and anchor institutions, and we invest in places and spaces that represent building blocks for a modern Israel.  At the same time, within Israel, the changing demographics of the state make it essential to create understanding and connection across differences – within Israel and between diaspora and Israeli Jews.  Democratic and pluralistic values are central to the Jewish state, and they must continue to be upheld and encouraged.

The William Davidson Foundation’s grantmaking and other activities in support of Israel reflect themes that cut across our full portfolio.

Entrepreneurship and Creativity

We are supporting programs and platforms that provide science education to young people and connect Israel’s thriving network of entrepreneurs to other investors, businesses, and countries.

Gathering Spaces

We are continuing our founder’s support for significant cultural installations and anchor institutions, particularly in Jerusalem which is central to three of the world’s major religions and home to a diverse mix of secular Jewish Israelis, Haredi Jews, and Arabs.

Leaders Who Educate and
Promote Understanding

Limited exposure to and knowledge of Israel is contributing to a concerning bias in the United States and misinformation about Israel’s role and place in the world.  We value scholarship and thoughtful policy analysis, and believe that rational, well-presented research and personal experiences continue to eradicate the modern scourge of anti-Zionism, as well as build the State of Israel.